Sunday, August 26, 2012

DIY - Baby Blankets

If I haven't mentioned this before... I'm a sucker for cute fabrics. It's hard for me to see one, have it be on sale... and not get the urget to purchase a yard or two - without a plan. Guess what happened the other weekend?  I purchased a few different cutesy cotton fabrics while I was shopping for the crib bumper fabric... and came home with these... plus 2 yards of grey minky fabric that was on clearance.

There are also a few swatches that I had ordered from when I was originally trying to pick out crib bumper material. PS: have you ever visited this website? It's the "etsy" of fabric stores! Endless possibilities!

What do you do with minky fabric? Quilt I guess... I really didn't have a plan for any of this - so off to google I go... searching baby blanket ideas, and came across this cute one from Noodles & Milk.

Super cute, and seemed to be a size I could manage as this would be my first quilting experiment. I'd say it went pretty well. I was intimidated by the minky fabric as it has lots of give... but it was easier than I had imagined - phew!

I ended up making three - two for me and one as a gift (gift one is not shown)... to keep it a secret until delivered!

What do you think?


Bungalow13 said...

totally impressed! and they are adorable! I have found that pinning minky fabric helps a lot with the give :)

HMC said...

Thank you!! Yes, I did find that I had to pink i like crazy to keep it from getting off.